Elemental Design Gongs

Moon Gongs
These are hand-hammered, tuned "nipple" style gongs made from aluminum.
They have a singular, clear, resonant, and mellowing tone. They are plenty sturdy enough for outside all age use, or also happy indoors.
36" B -1 Moon Gong - $490
30" F# Moon Gong - $370
29" G -2 Moon Gong - $360
28" A -2 Moon Gong - $350
24" D -3 Moon Gongs - $220
I can make smaller Gongs as well
Combine the G and D Gongs for a perfect fifth.
See "Playground" page for non tuned Gongs
note: The quality of the recordings is not what I'd like, but gives you an idea of the resonance of the gongs.
left: 36" set up for playground use.
Below: 36" B, 29" G, 24" D

My mic's not good enough to get the low end of the 36" gong, coming soon!
Tuned Shaped Gongs
I've been experimenting with various shapes of aluminum with pleasing results. These can be used as Doppler gongs or just struck normally.
all have a nice sustain and rich and interesting tonally.
Sting Ray gong (not tuned)
Can be hung horizontal or vertical. Has a wealth of sound. "Wing" span- 45"

Star Gong - $75 (Shown below Center) 21"-23" w
Witches Hat Gong - $40. (Right) 16"-30" wide
Wing Gong - $35. (Center L&R). 11"-17" wide
Triangle - $25 (Left) 8" and up wide

Glass Gong, Flat:
This Glass Gong won't bend your ears like a regular metal gong; the tone is much more subtle and mellow.
It's suitable more for personal toning than rousing the neighbors.
24" - $205 (+ $40 packing fee if shipped.)
$320 on stand (+ $40 packing fee if shipped.)
Recordings begin with a single strike in the middle, then multiple strikes on edge
Glass Gong, Shaped
Like the flat Glass Gong, this is very subtle . The "nipple" helps center and clarify the tone. Can get some interesting tones using a drag mallet.
24" - $320 (+ $40 packing fee if shipped.)
30" -$390 (+ $40 packing fee if shipped.)
With wooden table-top stand, add $115