Elemental Design
Sound Therapy

My philosophy around healing is based around the view that we all are capable of self healing. It is the "healers" job to help the client create the environment for healing to take place; and Sound Therapy is a perfect medium to use for creating that environment. The complexity of the sounds of the Gongs,Singing Bowls, and Chimes both leads one into deep relaxation while simultaneously stimulating new kinds of neural activity, creating a great sonic "soup" for transformation and healing to take place.
Through my instrument creating work and immense interest in the potential of sound healing, I've had the good fortune to have been introduced to many of the modern pioneers of sound healing work, and have studied under a few of them. My approach is grounded with some of the known science in the field, but steered with my intuitive sense.
Below are some of the tools I use in the work and a description of some of their uses. To see some feedback I've received for sessions click here.

Above, Im using weighted tuning forks which are designed to send vibration directly into the body. These can assist cells to release nitric oxide (good for regulating the immune system), helps clear the lymph system, balances the nervous system, relaxes muscle tissue, frees up stuck energy, and feels relaxing!

The gongs are especially potent in this work. The two "nippled" gongs shown are great for centering and grounding; while the other two gongs shown will transport you to an alternative plane. Very relaxing and meditative. A great way to take a sonic journey. I'll often first use the gongs to put a client in an open, receptive state, then use the forks for some "fine tuning".

Kundalini Chimes. These are meant to work mostly on an ethereal level. The longest and every alternate chime are tuned to correspond with ones major Chakras. The other chimes are tuned a fifth between their neighbors.The "chakra" chimes help wake up and activate the chakras, while the in-between chimes inspire movement. I use this instrument sparingly, as it's pretty potent.

This "on the body" version of the Aquabeat is for a similar, though milder, effect as the Chimes above. Instead of using "fifths" to get energy moving, it uses beat frequencies.
Gong Baths / Sound Baths

I also do large or small group sessions where I "Bathe" the attendees with sound. Using mostly gongs, along with an assortment of singing bowls, tuning forks, and instruments that I've made, I modulate the intensity of the sound experience to bring both movement and relaxation to the psyche. There is something especially meaningful that happens during a transformative shared group experience like this.
Please read some testimonials here.

To see more of my musical creations used for Sound Healing , please click here

For more info, or to book an appointment
(207) 785 2212
Located in Union, Maine
This is a page in progress. I'll be adding more photos and descriptions soon!