Sound Therapy Testimonials
Here are what some folks experienced in either a private session or group sound bath:
"I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for that experience! The gong bath was amazing and beautiful. When you came around and placed the tuning fork over my chest the vibration totally peeled a layer from my heart. I have done lots of energy work and each worker tells me I have a big heart, but I protect it carefully. I had a few scary experiences around my own energy field when I was young and it was like the dots finally connected when you touched me with the forks and opened it up just a bit. I am looking forward to working with you in the future. Can you tell me more about your individual sessions? Location, cost, time recommended? Thanks so much!"
"Thank you for inviting me and for the incredible care I received.
I wanted to tell you some specifics. The center gong and the immediate left, biggest of the bright gongs, when combined, were at first frightening, intense. It felt, sounded, as though I were caught in a storm on the ocean. The waves and wind, almost overwhelming. And then came a feeling of riding out the storm, of being strong and safe. I didn't want it to end.
Some physical reactions - my chest, the thoracic diaphragm, opening. My shoulders back, my breathing eased. I have COPD and a cardiac condition, this sensation of opening is so counter to my usual curved, protective posture. And then, my sinuses opened, like windows. I have severe winter allergies and struggle with the sniffling and sneezing and hacking until I can get some clean outside breathable air. And yet, with the sounds, with the vibration, my head was clear. It has remained so, more than 24 hours later. My abdomen softened, my belly started growling, which is rarely does, as I am seldom hungry.
And then there was the peace, and the comfort, sheer comfort.
When you placed the tuning fork on my chest the second time, and cupped the top of my head with your strong and tender hand, I was so happy. This was followed with by tears and deep hiccuping sighs, the sounds a baby makes as it cries itself to sleep. Release, relief.
Bless your heart,"
Three days later, another note:
"The changes in my sinuses have continued, none of the itching and weeping eyes, scratchy throat, hacking cough, have returned. The only other time I have experienced such relief from those symptoms was through acupuncture, many many needles in my face. The belly is still growling and my appetite is excellent. Food tastes better. Also, I am sleeping more soundly.
It amazes me, how those changes continue, how lasting the effects have been."
From a private session:
"A sound session with Jim is like no other! Fully immersed and surrounded by the gongs you enter a deep relaxation that recharges. The tuning forks also add an element you don't get in a standard sound session!"